lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

09-12 Mission "accomplished"

As I said in the previous post, I've stopped collecting uBTCs from faucets and now I can focus on the investors webs. It's been two weeks since I updated my results, let's see how it was!

BTCjam: 302 mBTC (expected returns from investments, near 30mBTC hard to get back) 693 mBTC (no GHash, all uninvested at this moment)

Total: 995 mBTC

Wait.... what?!?!?! Yes mates, I'm near to finish my journey. Three months and a half and I'll get a whole free BTC (around 650€ at current exchange rate). I also have to wait to the BTCJam loans I invested on, but meanwhile I will continue earning mBTCs on as I've done so I considere I've achieve my goal.

I will continue posting my results here but first I will have to think about a new mission.

Have fun and thanks to all that followed the journey.

If you want to do the same, just read the older posts and start visiting all those sites that give free satoshis. When you have a decent amount, don't forget to go to (R) and let your earnings grow.

Good luck!

(Note: The scores in the link show my current rates. I'm a trader and a miner in so you will see sometimes - and sometimes a score. I started there with just 1MHz and at this moment I could buy more than 9GHz)

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Weekly progress

Good week the last one. Let's share the results with you.

Since the shutdown I've stopped collecting free BTCs compulsively, heheh. Fortunatelly I have enough BTCs just to work in investing them instead of spending time collecting more. Anyway I keep logging into some of the free btc sites from time to time.

BTCjam: 319 mBTC (expected returns from investments, around 30mBTC hard to get back) 268 mBTC

Total: 587 mBTC (557mBTC if the delayed loans don't come ever)

We have reached the half of our journey and that makes me really happy.

And now some proofs. This is my current mining rate (referral link, feel free of using it and trying that site, it works!)

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Weekly progress

Hi everybody.

Last week I didn't published the weekly progress. I was on holidays and didn't come back until wednesday so I waited until today.

After the shutdown I thought in stopping the project. As you know, lots of free faucets were dependant. But finally I decided to continue and I have a little surprise for you.

Let's see my current positions...

So... I did it. The blue zone has increased A LOT. I did a really risky investment in BTCjam and it worked. So I jumped from around 60mBTCs to more than 300mBTCs. So I've walked one third of the path. Next week I suffered a big hit in but compared to the great results of the previous week I'm more than happy.

My current positions are:

Wallet: 0uBTC. Yeah, I continue transfering all the funds I get directly to to avoid fees.

BTCjam: 210 mBTC (expected returns from investments, around 20mBTC hard to get back) 135 mBTC

Total: 345 mBTC (325mBTC if the delayed loans don't come ever)

Yep. 1/3 of the path. And by the way, that's more than 150€ at currents exchanges...

Keep working hard!

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013 CLOSED

Yes. It seems that the hack suffered weeks ago will be the end of this online wallet.

All the faucets related to won't work anymore. That's a hard hit for our Free BTC run but I'll keep trying.

Bad news, let's see what happens in the near future. The incomes from free faucets will drop considerably. I'll have to get the most from investments. Fortunatelly I have around 0.07BTCs (if previous investments are paid...) so it's still possible.

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013 hacked and two new faucets has been hacked and someone is drying the accounts.

UPDATE: Only people with the API key enabled was compromised (and will be reimbursed) 

As the admin of site said:

A full update will be posted soon, don't panic. Only people with the API key enabled was compromised (and will be reimbursed), passwords are securely stored one way in the database.

Security is obviously the most important thing to a Bitcoin wallet, and it's unfortunate that a compromise occurred, and we're learning a lot from it (things that pentests won't catch).

There will be a full update soon, but this compromise was not through a fault of the code but rather like a 'side channel' attack.

Anyway, I'll keep collecting BTCs since they fix the problem. I leave here three new faucets I've found:

Ronin: An average of 10uBTC every 3 hours.

Hotswap: An average of 22.5uBTC every 6 hours.

XHPQ: An average of less than 3uBTC every 6 hours. Low.

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Weekly progress

Did I say that is a great site?

Just in case I'll say it again. is a great site. I've invested around 9000uBTC and I have now more than 15000uBTC. That's more than 50% in less than 3 weeks!

Please, use the referral link and help me in the long run for the free BTC!

This week I've had a lot of work. Besides that, due to the huge increasement in the BTC/USD exchange, the faucets I visit have reduced the amounts. Anyway, I still keep using both methods, investment and free faucets. Let's check the results of this week.

Wallet: 0uBTC. Yeah, I transfer all the funds I get directly to to avoid fees. 2534 uBTC

BTCjam: 50043 uBTC (expected returns, but I shold start considering the overdues. It would drop to 28452 uBTC, hard hit) 0.12 GHash and 604 uBTC (15604 uBTC at today's rate)

Total: 2534 uBTC (68181uBTC - 46590uBTC if the delayed loans don't come ever)

As you can see, the red part (the one from free faucets) has not almost increased but the blue one has increased a lot. I said I had a "bad" week. Fortunatelly, the investments have given big returns.

Good week!

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Monthly progress

Hi all. We've reached our eighth week of the "contest". Near two months and we are still here!

Let's see how it is going...

0 uBTC in the wallet
0 uBTC waiting in
48519 uBTC pending payments in BTCJam
0.09 GHash in and 628 uBTC (9628uBTC at today's GHash price)

Total: 0 uBTC (58147 uBTC with sucess in all loans and selling the GHash in at today's prices)

I've dried my wallets. All the funds I've collected are invested between BTCjam and This is the best way to grow my funds.

As I said the last week, there are lots of BTCjam delayed payments, let's hope I finally get them. Anyway, I've seen that is a great site and after 12 days I've got more than 20% of the invested BTCs, not taking into account that I've increased the funds there recently (and that makes the percentage lower).

If we are lucky and get back all the expected payments we will reach soon the 0.1BTC. Ten times that and I'll have my first BTC.

Ok, I still have a long path before that. But I'll keep doing hard to get it ;)

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

New faucets

Zenix: An average of 6uBTC every 50 min.

Infinity: An average of 20uBTC every 8 hours.

FreakAn average of 6uBTC every 8 hours.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Weekly progress - Beware of scammers and new investment/mining/trading tool

Let's check our stands.

306 uBTC in the wallet
1449 uBTC waiting in
48054 uBTC pending payments in BTCJam
0.0088 GHash in and 22 uBTC (1232uBTC at today's GHash price)

Total: 1777 uBTC (51041 uBTC with sucess in all loans and selling the GHash in at today's prices)

I said two weeks ago that I started risky loans in BTCjam. Hint: Avoid risky loans! It's better to earn a bit than to loose half of our expected funds.

At this moment I have 3 delayed loans. One of the borrowers is telling the loaners that he will pay asap so let's be optimistic. The other two have not tell a word for two weeks.

If we think those three loans as defaulted, our uBTCs in BTCjam would drop down to 24055. That's half of the expected returns and it's even less than what I put there. Besides that, if I want to withdraw my funds there, BTCjam would take another 2500 as a fee so I'll probably get back around 20000 uBTC when I transfered near 30000 uBTC. It's a pity, but scammers will ruin my investment there and I'll probably stop transfering funds there and start with the new site I've announced before.

That new site is There you can buy GHash and become a Bitcoin miner. Or trade GHash and become a GHash/BTC trader.

My returns have been 100uBTCs in 3 days and I transfered a bit more than 1000uBTCs. That's near 10% in just three days! So my expectations are high but let's see if it is as good as it seems. The price of the GHash is dropping since I started so there could be problems in sustaining this rates.

And that's all. Have a nice week!

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Star - New faucet

As usual, I found another new faucet.

Star: Every 15 min, an average higher than 2.5uBTC. Sounds good. They've changed the conditions, now it's 1uBTC per hour...

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

Dailybitcoins - bad news ; lotus - amazing rates

It seems that one of our providers of free bitcoins has lowered his payments considerably.

Since today, Dailybitcoins is paying 3uBTC per hour instead of 10uBTC. They still have prizes, but it has to be really hard to get one, I've never won a prize...

And now a question... have you tried lotus faucet? I put this faucet since the beggining of this blog. Today I've tested it intensively and here are the results:

It fails. A lot. But if you have spare time and don't mind to press F5 to reload the site from time to time, it works. And it pays, always... and a lot!

lotus has the highest faucet payments rate per hour I've found. There's no time limit. Sometimes they put and ad for 15secs, others there's no time at all so you can enter the captcha and continue earning uBTCs.

Let's say it takes an average of 10 secs per payment (0.3uBTCs). If you spend a whole hour you will get 108uBTCs per hour. As it fails, let's halve that amount. I'm sure you can easily get 50uBTC per hour from them. 50uBTC from a single faucet.

If you know a better faucet, please, let me know!!!!

Meanwhile, give it a chance (and don't forget to use the referral link ;)). You won't regret.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013 faucets... again

Capchat: An average a bit higher than 5uBTC every 3 hours.

Cosmos-2: An average near 17uBTC every 5 hours.

Cosmos: An average of 28uBTC every 8 hours.

Bluds: Unknown average every 12 hours.

Have fun!

Weekly progress

Let's check our stands.

1133 uBTC in the wallet
1337 uBTC waiting in
43458 uBTC pending payments in BTCJam

Total: 2470 uBTC (45928 uBTC with sucess in all loans)

The interest incomes continue rising. Anyway, this week results have been really low. We'll have to work harder current week to compensate that.

Besides that, I've had my first delayed payments in BTCJam. I said I opened risky operations to get more incomes. Risk means default lots of times. Let's hope we finally receive the invested money.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

New faucet

Z6: Every 12 hours, an average of near 70uBTC. If they pay, sounds good!

Unfortunately, it seems to be down, but I'll leave the link here for a couple of days just in case it is reopened.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

Two new faucets

As usual, when I find a new faucet, I leave it here to share with all of you. Today I've found two more:

Firefaucet: An average of 500uBTC every 3 hours.

Yourcoin: An average of 150uBTC every 3 hours.


martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Review of faucets

Today I've spent a couple of minutes reviewing the incomes I've had from the faucets. I'll write here the top10 faucets despite I visit others as well. All the incomes are in uBTC and were collected in 4 weeks.

1. 24h - Energy24h: 2020

2. 1h - Energybtc: 1679

3. 1h - DailyBitcoins: 1660

4. 6h - Pineapple: 1274

5. 3h - DevFaucet: 917

6. 1h - MMOClub: 843

7. 1h - DailyFreeBitcoin: 814

8. 5m - EnergyFaucet: 804 (could be better but my time is limited)

9. 3h - Twaddles: 705 (it was closed for a week, so it is actually better)

10.2h - Holes: 337 (arrived late)

I've discovered other faucets meanwhile, let's see if any of them reaches the top10.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

More and more faucets

BongBitcoin: Near 8uBTC per hour.

Elhappy: More than 5uBTC every 2 hours.

Minecraft: An average of 27.5uBTC every 12 hours.

As usual I beg you to use the links provided here.

Let's give them all a chance!

Weekly progress

New week and here I am to publish the results.

2260 uBTC in the wallet
2451 uBTC waiting in
37303 uBTC pending payments in BTCJam

Total: 4711 uBTC (42014 uBTC with sucess in all loans)

Amazing week! But let's take a closer look.

I've done some risky operations in BTCJam. The return will be huge if we finally get it, but they're riskier than the ones I usually do. As I said in a previous post, we have to spread our investments so I also have done lots of secure operations.

As we see in the graph, the blue zone (the invested BTCs and their returns) have increased considerably. Now we have to wait and get all those returns, but if they're successful we'll have had a big push in our incomes.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

A pair of faucets

New day and new faucets. The first one is still in beta version but you can get the link and check when it starts.

Dailyfreebitcoins: An average higher than 5uBTC every 4 hours.

InBitcoinWeTrust: Low average of less than 3uBTC every 6 hours.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

Another new faucet

The related faucets seems to be in continuous growht. I've found a new one today.

Stetchino: Near 3uBTC every 3 hours. As usual, let's give them a chance!

Faucet reopened

A few days ago I announced the closure of an faucet.

It's seems to be up again and I've got the uBTCs I had there before the closure.

The faucet has changed, I've upgraded the information in My first Bitcoin post. Anyway, I write it here as well:

Twaddles: 10uBTC every 3 hours. Checked.

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Monthly progress

Today, it'll be a whole month collecting free uBTCs. Anyway, as it's monday, I'll write my current state now not taking into account the incomes earned today.

1573 uBTC in the wallet
3210 uBTC waiting in
17717 uBTC pending payments in BTCjam

Total: 4783 uBTC (22500 uBTC with sucess in all loans)

I've done a simple graph to show the monthly progress. I've just included in the graph the uBTCs I have in BTCJam. That explains the near 5000 missing uBTCs.

In green you'll find the fees I've paid during the adventure (more about fees in a following post), in red the incomes from faucets (the uBTCs I would have without investing anything) and in blue that amount plus the interests I hope to earn thanks to the investments. The goal would be to have a blue zone bigger than the red one. That will suppose that the incomes from faucets (and our load of work as well) would be substituted by the interests our investments produce. But we are still far away from that goal.

Despite having lost hundreds of uBTCs this week because of failed payment of some faucets (you'll see that the slope of the curve has decreased), the increasement of the blue zone has been notorious so I'm quite happy with the results.

Another new faucet

I've found today a new faucet

ProFaucet: An average of 4uBTC every 3 hours. A bit low but let's give them a chance!


viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Another new faucet

I've found another new faucet linked to

Casinoibu: Every 3 hours, we'll receive an average a bit higher than 5uBTC.

 Let's give them a chance!

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Problems with solved and a great new faucet

Yesterday was a "bad" day for our collecting free btcs plan. suffered a DDos attack and they had to increase their security systems. For me that supposed the lost of near 200 uBTCs from io faucets. When I realized something was going wrong I stopped withdrawing from the faucets.

But good news. Everything is OK at this moment so we will be able to continue collecting satoshis from faucets.

Besides that, I've found another faucet for

DailyFreeBitcoins: The release was amazing, 100uBTC per hour. Now they pay 7uBTC per hour, a decent amount.

Have fun.

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Weekly progress

Let's share our weekly progress.

608 uBTC in the wallet
689 uBTC waiting in
12000 uBTC pending payments in BTCjam

Total: 1297 uBTC (13297 uBTC with sucess in all loans)

Besides that, we still have lots of delayed faucets so I expect a big increase this week.

Keep collecting uBTCs!

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Starting progress

I will start writing my progresses in the run toBitcoin.

The journey started the 1st of September. After 19 days, these are my current positions (I'll try to upgrade this information on Mondays):

12uBTC in my wallet

1964uBTC waiting in my address

4870uBTC invested in BTCJam (6122uBTC expected returns, let's see how it works)

Total: 1976 uBTC (8098 uBTC with sucess in all loans)

Unknown amounts spread in lots of delayed faucets. I just write this to justify my future earnings. All my earnings will come from the net (and I hope you'll help me by using the referral links you can find in this blog)

Before closing this log, I'll try to briefly explain the BTCJam site. It's a p2p lending site. You can invest in other people loans really small amounts, so I've started with this activity. As I said, let's see how it works. Take care of diversifying your money in different loans.


miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013

List of faucets.

The 1st of August I first met the Bitcoin world. One month later I proposed myself to get a totally free Bitcoin.

I've found these days lost of web pages that offer fractions of Bitcoins totally free. Ok, it's not actually totally free, you'll have to open dozens of pages so it's a huge work to do. This webpages earn money because of all the ads they have. But it's ok, they earn money and we earn Bitcoins.

I suppose that if you've found this blog you already know the Bitcoin world and have your own wallet with your first uBTC (1uBTC = 0.000001BTC). If you don't have it, I suggest you the multibit wallet. Easy and fast.

The next step you should take is to open an account in You can get a different email address to avoid the spam. Actually they promise not to spam you (I've never received an email, so it seems to be true) but, why are we going to take the risk?

I strongly recommend to open an account in, lots of webpages work with the account so it's senseless not to take advantage of it.

Last thing. You'll see some sites marked with an R. Those sites have a referral system and I used my own link (no cheating, I've done it, I tell you all). I ask you for use that link, you'll get the same amount and I'll get extra uBTCs thanks to it.

And that's all. Now you can find a small list of free Bitcoin sites with some data and my own impressions. This list will be updated from time to time so not forget to check it.

BitVisitor:  (R) Ads every 5 min. Payments from 1uBTC to more than 100uBTC (but I haven't seen payments greater than 10uBTC since August). We can access other sites while the countdown. Checked.


CoinBox: A group of 20 sites, you can fin them all in the CoinBox link. Payments are every 8 hours, aprox. Each page gives 2.5uBTC every 30 min, except one of them, a kind of free lotery. Taht makes  47.5uBTC (lotery excluded) every 30 min. Highly recommended. Checked.

_________________________________________________________________________________ (R) If you haven't registered in yet, it's time to do that. The next links are related to that service. Just use an old email or a totally new one. In the next sites you give that email address linked to instead of a bitcoin wallet. When you have the required amount, you can transfer the BTCs to the address. Then, when you have, let's say, 0.01BTCs, it's time to transfer them to the BTC wallet to reduce the fees. Don't worry, it's really easy, and there are amazing sites that work with My favourites are in bold, but I use all of them. All this section have a referral system. Please, use the links at least once and you'll have helped me a bit.

Lotus: A small amount (around 0.3uBTC) but it doesn't have time restrictions. Really good if you have time. Sometimes the webpage fails, just enter again and keep collecting. Checked.

EnergyFaucet: An average of 2.5uBTC every 5 min. Checked.

Ganey: An average of 1.5uBTC every 30 min. It's failing, but it keeps the collected satoshis.

EnergyBTC: 10uBTC per hour. No averages. Checked.

BongBitcoin: Near 8uBTC per hour. Checked.

MMOclubAn average of 7uBTC per hour. Checked.

DailyFreeBitcoins: An average of 7uBTC per hour. Checked.

Xparadox: An average of 5uBTC per hour. It's failing now. Let's see...

Funky: Near 4uBTC per hour. The first payment has failed.

FreeBTCFaucet: An average of 2.8uBTC per hour. Checked.

KillerAn average of 2uBTC per hour. Checked.

Sharefaucet: An average of 1.5uBTC per hour. Not checked yet.

Holes: An average of 7uBTC every 2 hours. Checked.

Elhappy: More than 5uBTC every 2 hours. Checked.

DevFaucet: An average of 11uBTC every 3 hours. Checked.

Twadles: Reopened!!! An average of 7uBTC every 3 hours. Checked.

CasinoibuEvery 3 hours, we'll receive an average a bit higher than 5uBTC. Checked.

FirefaucetAn average of 5uBTC every 3 hours. Not checked yet.

Yourcoin: An average of 1.5uBTC every 3 hours. Not checked yet.

Bixsubox: More than 5uBTC every 4 hours. Not checked yet.

Theorb: A low average of 2uBTC every 4 hours. Checked.

Pineapple: Around 20uBTC every 6 hours. Checked.

FucksakeAn average of 4.5uBTC every 11 hours. Really low. After a whole month, the first payment failed. Bad feelings...

Minecraft: An average of 27.5uBTC every 12 hours. The first payment failed.

Boxcoin:  Around 10uBTC every 12 hours. The first payment failed.

Energy24: I do love this one. Perfect for busy people. Near 120uBTC once a day. Full stop. Checked.


LandofBitcoin: (R) Open the faucet and wait. Don't forget to open it every 30 min. Slow, but it doesn't disturb you at all.  Checked.

DailyBitcoins(R) Forget the name of this webpage, they offer 3uBTC per hour. There is a small chance of getting a bigger payment. I haven't seen it yet. They also have the option. Checked.

GratisBitcoin: (R) An average of 3uBTC every 2 hours. The first payment failed.

BTCGame: I like this one. Keep the ball inside the circle and earn bitcoins. Totally free and they pay a good amount. You can play three times a day and you'll receive the best amount. Have fun! Checked.

Freebitcoins: 10uBTC every 21 minutes. There's a day limit, 4 accesses per day. You can get a higher prize, up to 50 uBTC, if your log is a prime number. They pay when you reach 1mBTC. Checked.


Trash section: All next sites have failed too many times or ran out of funds. I check them from time to time but I wouldn't trust them too much.

Basic: An average of 2.8uBTC every 30min. Two failures...

BitsecAn average higher than 40uBTC per hour. It worked but it has not worked again since the DDos attack.

NetaiAn average near 30uBTC per hour. Lots of failures.

Bitbit: Near 5uBTC every 2 hours. The first payment failed and now they're waiting for funds...

BitcoingrabitAround 20uBTC every 8 hours. It worked, but now it fails...

Bitcointips: An average of 45uBTC every 12 hours. A good one but it seems they ran out of funds...