lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Monthly progress

Today, it'll be a whole month collecting free uBTCs. Anyway, as it's monday, I'll write my current state now not taking into account the incomes earned today.

1573 uBTC in the wallet
3210 uBTC waiting in
17717 uBTC pending payments in BTCjam

Total: 4783 uBTC (22500 uBTC with sucess in all loans)

I've done a simple graph to show the monthly progress. I've just included in the graph the uBTCs I have in BTCJam. That explains the near 5000 missing uBTCs.

In green you'll find the fees I've paid during the adventure (more about fees in a following post), in red the incomes from faucets (the uBTCs I would have without investing anything) and in blue that amount plus the interests I hope to earn thanks to the investments. The goal would be to have a blue zone bigger than the red one. That will suppose that the incomes from faucets (and our load of work as well) would be substituted by the interests our investments produce. But we are still far away from that goal.

Despite having lost hundreds of uBTCs this week because of failed payment of some faucets (you'll see that the slope of the curve has decreased), the increasement of the blue zone has been notorious so I'm quite happy with the results.

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