lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Weekly progress - Beware of scammers and new investment/mining/trading tool

Let's check our stands.

306 uBTC in the wallet
1449 uBTC waiting in
48054 uBTC pending payments in BTCJam
0.0088 GHash in and 22 uBTC (1232uBTC at today's GHash price)

Total: 1777 uBTC (51041 uBTC with sucess in all loans and selling the GHash in at today's prices)

I said two weeks ago that I started risky loans in BTCjam. Hint: Avoid risky loans! It's better to earn a bit than to loose half of our expected funds.

At this moment I have 3 delayed loans. One of the borrowers is telling the loaners that he will pay asap so let's be optimistic. The other two have not tell a word for two weeks.

If we think those three loans as defaulted, our uBTCs in BTCjam would drop down to 24055. That's half of the expected returns and it's even less than what I put there. Besides that, if I want to withdraw my funds there, BTCjam would take another 2500 as a fee so I'll probably get back around 20000 uBTC when I transfered near 30000 uBTC. It's a pity, but scammers will ruin my investment there and I'll probably stop transfering funds there and start with the new site I've announced before.

That new site is There you can buy GHash and become a Bitcoin miner. Or trade GHash and become a GHash/BTC trader.

My returns have been 100uBTCs in 3 days and I transfered a bit more than 1000uBTCs. That's near 10% in just three days! So my expectations are high but let's see if it is as good as it seems. The price of the GHash is dropping since I started so there could be problems in sustaining this rates.

And that's all. Have a nice week!

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