lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

We are back!

Hi all.

I've been too busy for near 2 years but now I 'm back forward to keep gaining free satoshi!

BTC faucet's world has changed a lot in these months and now it's easier than ever to get thousands of satoshi to grow our wallets.

Right now I'm working on a faucet list to optimize our earnings. Well, actually it'll be some lists depending on the time you think you're going to be online "fauceting". You'll find the first one after this post, but finish this one before going there!

Rotators are not good enough, I was beating them day after day, so I made my own list that I will share now here to anyone who wants to use it.

It's been a huge work to optimize it so I'll ask you (if you want, of course) to use a fresh address and help me with the referral system faucets have. The best way to work with faucets is to open an account in an exchange like or You'll only pay once when you withdraw your funds from the exchange, you'll be able to use them to trade altcoins before doing that and you'll avoid the dust problem (big fees when the amounts moved are tiny, it'll happen to you if you work with another type of wallet).

Lists will be dynamic, if I change them I'll publish them again to show you all the last best list I've used. And as a proof it'll be the best I've detected, I'll be using it as well.

All the links here work with So you'll get your payments once a day (or every two days). You can check your daily earnings there.

There's a faucet list at faucetbox but I swear you this list is better and is ordered to maximize earnings. The list you can find there it's good. But it's made with people's votes, so it's not optimized.

Meanwhile, use these links. They're fairly good to start with them.






30 minutes list once a day

Before start clicking, a couple of advice:

- This is the best 30min list if you connect once a day. I'm working on a pair if you connect once in the morning and once in the evening.
- Open 5 links. There are faucets with countdowns, you'll be faster if you do this.
- Every 10 links, open this one: btcboom

It's probably the best faucet. 700 satoshi every 3 min. Actually, start with it, open it now!

If you follow these advices, you'll get around 50.000 satoshi in just half an hour. Easy and fast.

If you don't understand any of the faucets, leave a comment and I'll show you the "trick" if there's any.

You'll see a number before the name of the faucet. That was the position in ranking when the list was published. As you easily see, faucetbox list is not optimized. Number 1 is not even on this list!

The number on the right is the average income you'll get from each visit to the faucet. I don't care of times, this list is thought to connect once a day at the same hour every day.

Go on!

37 get-free-bitco 2407
39 safebitco 2301
41 theearner 2160
115 bitcoins43 2115
30 breaktheco 2102
490 chickenfaucet 1852
249 coinspop 1850
150 thegranfaucet 1800
355 freebitcoinstoyou 1717
419 alienmoneybtc 1602
77 destinybtc 1500
385 blue-faucet 1500
161 bitcoin-data 1264
409 coinator 1250
205 bitcoinscollect 1200
218 thanksbitcoin 1200
361 your-free-btc 1200
268 fastcoin 1190
85 faucetfm 1155
93 caimanbitcoin 1100
103 1100
184 1055

47 mybestbitcoin 1050

149 777satoshi 1007
323 1btcfree 1003
2 razercrypt 1000
25 bitcoinbarry 1000
60 bitcoincran 1000
192 minercenter bl 1000
198 faucetbitcoinace 1000
248 predimania 1000
250 thepowermoneysystem 1000
255 coinsteller 1000
328 minercenter in 1000

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

What's going on?

Hi everyone.

It's been more than a month since the last time I wrote here. Lots of things have happened during this month, the most "incredible" one, the shutdown of MTGOX, the biggest BTC exchange site. It seems they've been stolen around 750.000 BTC during the last years. Fortunatelly for me, I didn't have a single satoshi there. But I feel sorry for all the GOXed BTC-mates.

This is causing a massive drop of the price of BTC in the rest of exchange sites. If I would have sold my BTCs in december I would have doubled them. But I didn't, so I will have to keep getting BTCs investing them in

Here I also lost a "big" amount of my earnings. Remember one thing, DO NOT EVER sell BTCs without escrow unless you really know the counterpart. Someone stole me 0.25BTC due to my innocence. So don't make the same mistake.

Besides that I'm still waiting to be paid around 0.2BTC in BTCJam. I hope I will receive them, but it's been near two months since the payment day.

Anyway I won't just write about bad news. It's also been a good month for me.

- I've sold 0.2 BTC with success when BTC was at around 675€. My first BTC sell.

- I've made my first purchase in BTC. A train ticket for 0.18 BTC.

- I've started to manage other people funds (low amounts) in successfully.

So I keep growing my BTCs (I still have 1BTC) and I've started to do usefull things with them.

Have a nice day!

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

New year, new goals

It's been a long time since the last update of this blog. I've continued working hard in CEX and my wallet keeps growing. Now I have more than 1BTC and I don't care at all about BTCJam failed investments to reach that amount (anyway I still want to get them back).

I've been looking for a new goal to accomplish. The most immediate one is get the second BTC but instead of that my current goal is try to get a monthly BTC. That would be like an extra monthly salary. Would it be possible?

I've noticed that with the amount I currently have it's really difficult, but I think that when I have 2 whole BTCs invested and traded in CEX it will be possible.

Let's see if I'm able to do that!

Have fun collecting satoshis.

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

09-12 Mission "accomplished"

As I said in the previous post, I've stopped collecting uBTCs from faucets and now I can focus on the investors webs. It's been two weeks since I updated my results, let's see how it was!

BTCjam: 302 mBTC (expected returns from investments, near 30mBTC hard to get back) 693 mBTC (no GHash, all uninvested at this moment)

Total: 995 mBTC

Wait.... what?!?!?! Yes mates, I'm near to finish my journey. Three months and a half and I'll get a whole free BTC (around 650€ at current exchange rate). I also have to wait to the BTCJam loans I invested on, but meanwhile I will continue earning mBTCs on as I've done so I considere I've achieve my goal.

I will continue posting my results here but first I will have to think about a new mission.

Have fun and thanks to all that followed the journey.

If you want to do the same, just read the older posts and start visiting all those sites that give free satoshis. When you have a decent amount, don't forget to go to (R) and let your earnings grow.

Good luck!

(Note: The scores in the link show my current rates. I'm a trader and a miner in so you will see sometimes - and sometimes a score. I started there with just 1MHz and at this moment I could buy more than 9GHz)

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Weekly progress

Good week the last one. Let's share the results with you.

Since the shutdown I've stopped collecting free BTCs compulsively, heheh. Fortunatelly I have enough BTCs just to work in investing them instead of spending time collecting more. Anyway I keep logging into some of the free btc sites from time to time.

BTCjam: 319 mBTC (expected returns from investments, around 30mBTC hard to get back) 268 mBTC

Total: 587 mBTC (557mBTC if the delayed loans don't come ever)

We have reached the half of our journey and that makes me really happy.

And now some proofs. This is my current mining rate (referral link, feel free of using it and trying that site, it works!)

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Weekly progress

Hi everybody.

Last week I didn't published the weekly progress. I was on holidays and didn't come back until wednesday so I waited until today.

After the shutdown I thought in stopping the project. As you know, lots of free faucets were dependant. But finally I decided to continue and I have a little surprise for you.

Let's see my current positions...

So... I did it. The blue zone has increased A LOT. I did a really risky investment in BTCjam and it worked. So I jumped from around 60mBTCs to more than 300mBTCs. So I've walked one third of the path. Next week I suffered a big hit in but compared to the great results of the previous week I'm more than happy.

My current positions are:

Wallet: 0uBTC. Yeah, I continue transfering all the funds I get directly to to avoid fees.

BTCjam: 210 mBTC (expected returns from investments, around 20mBTC hard to get back) 135 mBTC

Total: 345 mBTC (325mBTC if the delayed loans don't come ever)

Yep. 1/3 of the path. And by the way, that's more than 150€ at currents exchanges...

Keep working hard!