martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

What's going on?

Hi everyone.

It's been more than a month since the last time I wrote here. Lots of things have happened during this month, the most "incredible" one, the shutdown of MTGOX, the biggest BTC exchange site. It seems they've been stolen around 750.000 BTC during the last years. Fortunatelly for me, I didn't have a single satoshi there. But I feel sorry for all the GOXed BTC-mates.

This is causing a massive drop of the price of BTC in the rest of exchange sites. If I would have sold my BTCs in december I would have doubled them. But I didn't, so I will have to keep getting BTCs investing them in

Here I also lost a "big" amount of my earnings. Remember one thing, DO NOT EVER sell BTCs without escrow unless you really know the counterpart. Someone stole me 0.25BTC due to my innocence. So don't make the same mistake.

Besides that I'm still waiting to be paid around 0.2BTC in BTCJam. I hope I will receive them, but it's been near two months since the payment day.

Anyway I won't just write about bad news. It's also been a good month for me.

- I've sold 0.2 BTC with success when BTC was at around 675€. My first BTC sell.

- I've made my first purchase in BTC. A train ticket for 0.18 BTC.

- I've started to manage other people funds (low amounts) in successfully.

So I keep growing my BTCs (I still have 1BTC) and I've started to do usefull things with them.

Have a nice day!

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