lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Weekly progress

Good week the last one. Let's share the results with you.

Since the shutdown I've stopped collecting free BTCs compulsively, heheh. Fortunatelly I have enough BTCs just to work in investing them instead of spending time collecting more. Anyway I keep logging into some of the free btc sites from time to time.

BTCjam: 319 mBTC (expected returns from investments, around 30mBTC hard to get back) 268 mBTC

Total: 587 mBTC (557mBTC if the delayed loans don't come ever)

We have reached the half of our journey and that makes me really happy.

And now some proofs. This is my current mining rate (referral link, feel free of using it and trying that site, it works!)

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Weekly progress

Hi everybody.

Last week I didn't published the weekly progress. I was on holidays and didn't come back until wednesday so I waited until today.

After the shutdown I thought in stopping the project. As you know, lots of free faucets were dependant. But finally I decided to continue and I have a little surprise for you.

Let's see my current positions...

So... I did it. The blue zone has increased A LOT. I did a really risky investment in BTCjam and it worked. So I jumped from around 60mBTCs to more than 300mBTCs. So I've walked one third of the path. Next week I suffered a big hit in but compared to the great results of the previous week I'm more than happy.

My current positions are:

Wallet: 0uBTC. Yeah, I continue transfering all the funds I get directly to to avoid fees.

BTCjam: 210 mBTC (expected returns from investments, around 20mBTC hard to get back) 135 mBTC

Total: 345 mBTC (325mBTC if the delayed loans don't come ever)

Yep. 1/3 of the path. And by the way, that's more than 150€ at currents exchanges...

Keep working hard!

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013 CLOSED

Yes. It seems that the hack suffered weeks ago will be the end of this online wallet.

All the faucets related to won't work anymore. That's a hard hit for our Free BTC run but I'll keep trying.

Bad news, let's see what happens in the near future. The incomes from free faucets will drop considerably. I'll have to get the most from investments. Fortunatelly I have around 0.07BTCs (if previous investments are paid...) so it's still possible.

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013 hacked and two new faucets has been hacked and someone is drying the accounts.

UPDATE: Only people with the API key enabled was compromised (and will be reimbursed) 

As the admin of site said:

A full update will be posted soon, don't panic. Only people with the API key enabled was compromised (and will be reimbursed), passwords are securely stored one way in the database.

Security is obviously the most important thing to a Bitcoin wallet, and it's unfortunate that a compromise occurred, and we're learning a lot from it (things that pentests won't catch).

There will be a full update soon, but this compromise was not through a fault of the code but rather like a 'side channel' attack.

Anyway, I'll keep collecting BTCs since they fix the problem. I leave here three new faucets I've found:

Ronin: An average of 10uBTC every 3 hours.

Hotswap: An average of 22.5uBTC every 6 hours.

XHPQ: An average of less than 3uBTC every 6 hours. Low.

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Weekly progress

Did I say that is a great site?

Just in case I'll say it again. is a great site. I've invested around 9000uBTC and I have now more than 15000uBTC. That's more than 50% in less than 3 weeks!

Please, use the referral link and help me in the long run for the free BTC!

This week I've had a lot of work. Besides that, due to the huge increasement in the BTC/USD exchange, the faucets I visit have reduced the amounts. Anyway, I still keep using both methods, investment and free faucets. Let's check the results of this week.

Wallet: 0uBTC. Yeah, I transfer all the funds I get directly to to avoid fees. 2534 uBTC

BTCjam: 50043 uBTC (expected returns, but I shold start considering the overdues. It would drop to 28452 uBTC, hard hit) 0.12 GHash and 604 uBTC (15604 uBTC at today's rate)

Total: 2534 uBTC (68181uBTC - 46590uBTC if the delayed loans don't come ever)

As you can see, the red part (the one from free faucets) has not almost increased but the blue one has increased a lot. I said I had a "bad" week. Fortunatelly, the investments have given big returns.

Good week!